I am surely not alone in experiencing a situation where an organisation says one thing and does another. Why does that happen? I suspect process failures cause many mistakes.
5 Reasons Why Home-Grown Solutions Don’t Last
Some organisations come to Legito from a competitor solution, and some have no existing solution, but today I’m talking about organisations who have built a home-grown solution that isn’t meeting their needs.
Webinar: Automation of Advanced Use Cases
This time Mark Settle reviews some of the more advanced concepts of automation, including compound conditions, nested repeats, calculations, background data, advanced layouts & styles, and tags & scripting.
August 2022 Release: Sections and More
Legito Templates now contain multiple Sections, similar to sections you will recognize from MS Word or Google Docs documents.
Advanced automation features
Comparing automation solutions is tricky if you don’t know what the more advanced features will do or whether you need them.
Customer Wish-lists
It’s remarkable how diverse organisations have similar requests. That’s a good thing. It makes it viable to build solutions that work across multiple sectors and teams.
Friendly Automation
If you automate processes that interact with customers or your suppliers or your employees, how will it make them feel? Do you care? There are some processes that benefit everybody if done well.
3 More Reasons You Might Need Document Automation/CLM software
What are the signs that your organization should be looking for a Document Automation solution, or replacing the one that you have? Read more
No code / Low code – What’s the Fuss About?
Some automation software still requires you to use code (or a code-like script) to build a solution that can be deployed in an organisation. The scripts can look a lot like programming language, which can be a problem.
July 2022 Release: Focus on Advanced Features
Rich Text Element is an area in Your Template where you can create formatted text in the Template Editor as well as in the Document Editor. The goal is not to replace our standard Text and Text Input Elements that are essential for our “Documents as structured data” approach, but
Digital Transformation with Documents
Documents are awkward components of digital transformation. You store them on digital media but, ultimately, they remain analogue materials for human consumption.
5 Word Tips
Contracts tend to have defined terms, and the definitions are often grouped in one place. When reading a contract, it’s helpful to read the defined term.
Things We Learned at Legito PowerUp 2022
We’re back at our desks after meeting many great customers, partners and supporters at the Legito PowerUp 2022 conference. It was my first in-person Legito event, and here’s what I discovered.
June 2022 Release: Legito Sign
In addition to Legito BioSign, and integrations with various other electronic signature providers such as Adobe Sign and DocuSign, we have now released Legito Sign – Legito’s very own electronic signature that allows you to electronically sign contracts and other documents directly in your Legito Workspace.
Suggestions for Evaluating Legito Implementers
We asked our consulting team how they find new colleagues to be part of our implementation team. The suggestions look like tests – but don’t present them as such. Run a workshop.
May 2022 Release: Major Enhancements for Objects
The much-awaited connection between Templates and Objects is here. Up until now, it was possible to manually add options to Questions and Selects by either typing the text of the option or referencing a value from another element in the Template.
Implementing Legito – Who to Pick / Who to Avoid
You need the right person to make your implementation successful. Here are some traits that make a good project representative. Someone happy to pick up a new solution and play with it, knowing they won’t break it, and
Switching to a More Modern Solution – Is It Worth It?
Most people are sceptics when they see a technology solution that promises to make things better. But, if you haven’t looked at a modern solution, that scepticism could be misplaced.
Is It the Right Time to Invest in Automation?
It used to be said: “Better, cheaper, faster – pick any two.” Now we can improve all three vectors at the same time. Historically, organisations needed capital expenditure to fund investment in plant and machinery to boost productivity.
5 Things I Learned from Document Automation Events
Chances are there aren’t many people in your organisation with a focus on automation of document-centric business processes. It can seem like a lonely quest.
Self-service for Shared Service Centres
I worry that ‘self-service’ sounds like something negative – probably because we have suffered from self-service checkouts in retail outlets where it feels like a way for the retailer to save money and have us do a task that is better done by the retail staff.
April 2022 Release: Workflow for Objects, Bulk Replacement and more
Announcing Legito’s April release, with some powerful enhancements to the template editor and workflow tools, including Workflows for Objects, Bulk Replacement, and much more.
Sharing Document Automation Know-how with Industry Peers
The extra pressure of deploying new technology to new colleagues was non-trivial. I taught myself how to use the application while doing the day job.
Webinar: Walkthrough from Document to Finished Product
We are confident that Legito’s no-code tools make working quicker and easier, but why not judge for yourself?
Two Strategies Driving Automation
Naturally, we think there are lots of reasons to adopt a document lifecycle management solution, even if you only use a few of the core features. Still, it takes more than nice-to-have benefits for an organisation to start a document automation project.
Document automation in business process management
Legal teams used to be the significant users of document automation, so much of the published writing is about automating contracts and legal documents.
March 2022 Release: Six Document Automation Enhancements
In addition to the existing text options, it is also possible to add options that will refer to texts added to different Elements, typically to Text Inputs, Dates, and Money Elements. Reference Options populate texts similarly to Link Elements.
Contracts and Leverage
Organisations need leverage to grow, and so do people. Like it or not, some organisations use contracts to exert leverage. If you’re a smaller organisation trading with a Fortune 100 company, you probably don’t like it.
Contracts and Contract Management: What Does Good Look Like?
Legito isn’t just for contracts or legal teams, but today we look at best practices in contracts and contract management. Everybody is looking for ways to get contracts signed faster, but many organisations make it so darn hard.
Moving on from document automation
Our CEO said it’s like going to a restaurant with a big menu: we don’t expect you to eat everything on the menu, but we know you will want to try more dishes over time.
Drafting a Word Document vs. Drafting a Legito Template
Let’s look at the difference between drafting a conventional Word document and drafting a document automation template using Legito (for others to automate documents).
A shout out to Alex Hamilton’s article: The System Strikes Back
Here I am, writing content for document automation and CLM solution vendor, calling attention to Alex Hamilton’s article that asserts that contract lifecycle management is “a step backwards.”
Charles Drayson – Interaction is the Precursor to Action
The Legito PowerUp conference in June is all about inspiration, interaction and action. After almost two years working from home, I’m looking forward to some interaction.
6 Tips and Opportunities for New Lawyers
Qualifying as a lawyer is a tough gig. University and law school courses create a legacy of student debt, and good organizations have stiff competition for employment.
February 2022 Release: CLM Enhancements and Other Improvements
We added the possibility to choose a predefined period in addition to the custom date interval. It applies to all Date properties in Document and Object management.
Charging Clients for Automated Solutions
In 2008, I started a law firm in the UK with the principal objective of leveraging my experience of document automation for clients in B2B software and IT services organisations.
Alternative Fee Arrangements – Making Them Work Outside Litigation
This is for the lawyers, those in law firms, and those working in corporate legal teams. I don’t need to provide an introduction
Smart Document Automation and CLM – How Does it Work in the Real World
Some organisations have a market position that allows them to standardise and automate their end-to-end sales, HR or just about any other business process.
Contract Drafting Isn’t Taught at Law School
Contract drafting is not taught on most law degrees or at law school. Most lawyers learn during a period of apprenticeship
7 Reasons Why You Need a Clause Library, but Word Doesn’t Help You
Contracts (and some other documents) typically include standard text like confidentiality clauses, limitations of liability,
There’s No Convincing Some People
“Science doesn’t care about your opinions.” The scientific method has created a way to elicit truth free of bias and prejudices that would otherwise hold us back.
Webinar: What’s new in Legito | Q2 2022
We welcomed a big audience to our webinar reviewing the new features in Legito. For those unable to watch it live, you can watch the full webinar recording here.
7 Signs You’ve Got a Problem – Add Some Style to Your Work
Years ago, organisations started to move from WordPerfect to Microsoft Word. Law firms were reluctant to change, but
January 2022 Release: New Notifications And Five Other Features
The Legito Template Editor contains Ruler to make the setting of margins, indentations, and spacings more convenient.
Sales Playbooks Using Legito
A sales ‘playbook’ sets the rules for sales execs. Sales teams need flexibility to negotiate deals, but the playbook avoids
Process Management
We usually say Legito is for document automation or contract lifecycle management (CLM), but you can do more.
A Guide to the Core Features of Document Automation
If you’ve never seen or used a document automation tool, except maybe for a product demonstration, this article is for you.
Hearts and Minds – Getting Colleagues to Use Document Automation
My first document automation deployment was for a sales team of 70 people who would use the system to generate…
December 2021 Release: Customizable Dashboard And Nine Other Features
New Dashboard is the flagship of Legito’s December (2021) release. The best thing about the new Dashboard is that it is fully customizable.
AI or automation?
Artificial intelligence creates more buzz and more speculation than plain old automation. Vendors claim AI…
2021 Legito Webinar Series
Our 2021 webinar series featured organisations small, medium and large – all with useful insights about how they made automation work for them.
Legito CLM – What is it?
Creating the first version of a document is just the beginning. It might need to be approved, discussed, and signed…
Webinar: Sharing expertise automation solutions with clients (co-hosting Radius Law)
We talk to the innovative law firm, Radius Law, about clients directly using services powered by automation.
Using Templates for Quick-start Drafting
Some documents are not apt to be automated. Sometimes, you need to draft something from scratch…
November 2021 Release: Editing Third Party Documents Online And More
Thanks to our partnership with Microsoft, it is possible to edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents uploaded to Legito online directly in your internet browser.
Document automation: if it’s so good, why isn’t everyone using it?
How do you create a contract which contains all the necessary clauses in one document but none of the irrelevant ones?
Do Authors Need Developers to Build Templates?
Who best to automate a document authored by a subject matter expert? This note looks at automating contracts…
Webinar: Using Legito to Drive your Documents co-hosting Aber Law Firm
Our co-host and special guest Jeremy Aber discussed how Aber Law’s software licensing attorneys utilize Legito to answer the following questions.
Checking Long Documents for Errors
Picture the scene: you manage a legal team and task a team member to create the first draft contract for…
Webinar: Introduction to Legito’s Brand New Smart Document Drafting
President of Legito North America, Mark Settle, hosts our latest webinar, presenting Legito’s new user interface and showcasing the latest developments in document automation.