Weekly Automation Corner
Five Trends Continuing in 2025

Five Trends Continuing in 2025

At the turn of the year, we take stock and focus on the future. At Legito, we believe that the five key trends of 2024 will have a major impact in 2025. Do you agree? Let’s take a look at them together!

Legito PowerUp 2023

Legito PowerUp 2023

Last year was my first time at the Legito conference, and I’d like to share my experiences and encourage you to join us this year. If you have not seen it, we’ve posted a reminder for the Legito PowerUp 2023 conference.

Legito for Sourcing and Procurement

Legito for Sourcing and Procurement

Today, we’ll look at the application of the Legito platform for folks working in sourcing and procurement. The challenge they face, among many, is buying-in goods and services from suppliers.

A Quick Guide to Digital Signatures

A Quick Guide to Digital Signatures

Digital signatures have the look and feel of a traditional process. Legito allows you to use any combination of signature methods to meet the needs of your organisation and your customers and suppliers

Citizen Developer Explained

Citizen Developer Explained

Citizen developers are also users. They want the solution to be the best it can be. Colleagues can walk across the office or have a Teams call to talk to a citizen developer in terms they both understand.

The Next Level Beyond Office Applications

The Next Level Beyond Office Applications

We see Legito like that. Our vision is about empowering the whole enterprise with features that work across team boundaries, with the same look-and-feel, integrated, and yet ready to be customised for the needs of each team.

When Documents Meet Reality

When Documents Meet Reality

I am surely not alone in experiencing a situation where an organisation says one thing and does another. Why does that happen? I suspect process failures cause many mistakes.

Customer Wish-lists

Customer Wish-lists

It’s remarkable how diverse organisations have similar requests. That’s a good thing. It makes it viable to build solutions that work across multiple sectors and teams.

Friendly Automation

Friendly Automation

If you automate processes that interact with customers or your suppliers or your employees, how will it make them feel? Do you care? There are some processes that benefit everybody if done well.

5 Word Tips

5 Word Tips

Contracts tend to have defined terms, and the definitions are often grouped in one place. When reading a contract, it’s helpful to read the defined term.

Is It the Right Time to Invest in Automation?

Is It the Right Time to Invest in Automation?

It used to be said: “Better, cheaper, faster – pick any two.” Now we can improve all three vectors at the same time. Historically, organisations needed capital expenditure to fund investment in plant and machinery to boost productivity.

Self-service for Shared Service Centres

Self-service for Shared Service Centres

I worry that ‘self-service’ sounds like something negative – probably because we have suffered from self-service checkouts in retail outlets where it feels like a way for the retailer to save money and have us do a task that is better done by the retail staff.

Two Strategies Driving Automation

Two Strategies Driving Automation

Naturally, we think there are lots of reasons to adopt a document lifecycle management solution, even if you only use a few of the core features. Still, it takes more than nice-to-have benefits for an organisation to start a document automation project.

Contracts and Leverage

Contracts and Leverage

Organisations need leverage to grow, and so do people. Like it or not, some organisations use contracts to exert leverage. If you’re a smaller organisation trading with a Fortune 100 company, you probably don’t like it.

AI or automation?

AI or automation?

Artificial intelligence creates more buzz and more speculation than plain old automation. Vendors claim AI…

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