Legito PowerUp 2022: Panel Discussion – Automation for Sourcing and Procurement Departments

The first panel session at PowerUp conference heard from two different organisations sharing similar requirements when deploying Legito for buy-side departments.

American Trade & Finance provides lending services across five continents. Lending is a heavily regulated sector, and operating under multiple jurisdictions adds another level of complication. The result: 75 documents are needed for each transaction, and some of those documents are 100+ pages long.

The panel learned how they deployed Legito to solve several challenges:

  • The organisation had templates, but scattered across the computers of different people, with no reliable way to know who had the authoritative versions.
  • It was cumbersome to copy information needed for one document for use in another.
  • Compiling the documents for each transaction was manual and therefore vulnerable to human error.

Diversity of a different kind was the challenge for the second panel contributor: the diversity of products and services (including intellectual property) that needed to be correctly managed by the procurement team. Legito works like a database for the different requirements matched to the subject matter of the procurement. When they need to procure something for the first time, the solution’s capability expands and can be re-used on the next occasion.

The panel also discussed how Legito is used to create links between business development teams, compliance teams, and Finance. The solution allowed the business development team to work at pace because they were equipped with a solution to generate documents, including invoices, without needing to wait for colleagues in the other teams.

💡Tips for successful deployments:

  • Don’t automate broken systems or documents. Adopting a new solution is a good time to implement improvements.
  • The best way to overcome sceptical or conservative colleagues is to deploy a solution that was a ‘wow factor’ – make it nice to use and demonstrate that the solution deals with a known problem.
  • Listen to feedback from users and act on feedback, quickly.

We thank Pavlin Stoyanoff and Galya Oster for beign part of Legito PowerUp 2022 and sharing their experience and useful tips for successful deployments.


Legito PowerUp 2022: Panel Discussion – Automation for Sourcing and Procurement Departments

The first panel session at PowerUp conference heard from two different organisations sharing similar requirements when deploying Legito for buy-side departments.

American Trade & Finance provides lending services across five continents. Lending is a heavily regulated sector, and operating under multiple jurisdictions adds another level of complication. The result: 75 documents are needed for each transaction, and some of those documents are 100+ pages long.

The panel learned how they deployed Legito to solve several challenges:

  • The organisation had templates, but scattered across the computers of different people, with no reliable way to know who had the authoritative versions.
  • It was cumbersome to copy information needed for one document for use in another.
  • Compiling the documents for each transaction was manual and therefore vulnerable to human error.

Diversity of a different kind was the challenge for the second panel contributor: the diversity of products and services (including intellectual property) that needed to be correctly managed by the procurement team. Legito works like a database for the different requirements matched to the subject matter of the procurement. When they need to procure something for the first time, the solution’s capability expands and can be re-used on the next occasion.

The panel also discussed how Legito is used to create links between business development teams, compliance teams, and Finance. The solution allowed the business development team to work at pace because they were equipped with a solution to generate documents, including invoices, without needing to wait for colleagues in the other teams.

💡Tips for successful deployments:

  • Don’t automate broken systems or documents. Adopting a new solution is a good time to implement improvements.
  • The best way to overcome sceptical or conservative colleagues is to deploy a solution that was a ‘wow factor’ – make it nice to use and demonstrate that the solution deals with a known problem.
  • Listen to feedback from users and act on feedback, quickly.

We thank Pavlin Stoyanoff and Galya Oster for beign part of Legito PowerUp 2022 and sharing their experience and useful tips for successful deployments.

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