Legito PowerUp 2024 AI and Rule-Based Automation of Documents

Ondra needs no introduction to Legito users, but it’s worth remembering that he founded Legito and his enthusiasm and plans for the product have continued unabated. If you have observed the pace of new features added to Legito, you have seen Ondra’s influence.

AI-powered & Rule-based automation

Let’s start this report from Ondra’s presentation with his succinct definitions to distinguish AI from rules-based automation:

  • Rules-based automation: the software isn’t self-learning, but it always returns correct and consistent results
  • AI automation: you provide the data, and you let AI do the work

Ondra says you need to be able to answer ‘yes’ to all three of the following questions to identify a use case suitable for AI:

  1. Can I accept that AI returns different results in identical situations?
  2. Can I accept that nobody can tell me why AI returned these particular results?
  3. Can I accept that, if AI returns the wrong result, there is no quick and easy fix?
Examples of how AI may expand
  • Document automation is about accuracy, accountability and risk-management – AI is impressive but the results are not assured.
  • Legito uses AI to create marketing materials because any anomalies from AI create no risk.
  • But, for creating contracts or long documents, a few incorrect words could have a serious impact.
  • Contracts and legal documents demand precision.
  • However, there is a benefit of deploying rules-based automation and AI together.
  • Ondra demonstrated three examples of Legito using AI inside a rules-based template to obtain better results.
  • The first example was a simple script to extract the details of a party to an agreement and asking ChatGPT to provide background on the counterparty.
  • The script is simple: Imagine you are a top procurement specialist and you are asked to summarise information about the following company or individual with name [debtors_name] and address [debtors_address].
  • Ondra’s second demonstration showed ChatGPT providing guidance about whether to include an optional clause within a contract.
  • The third example showed ChatGPT providing guidance on typical interest rates to be inserted in a loan agreement.
The simple script for ChatGPT
Link to Legito AI website
  • In all three examples, the human stays in the loop to scrutinise the results.
  • If ChatGPT produced unhelpful results, there was no risk of the results undermining the integrity of the agreement which is directed by the rules-based components.
  • Users can plug in their own ChatGPT credentials, and example scripts are already available on the Legito website.

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