Legito PowerUp 2024 The S#!t Sausage Machine
Sarah Sheehan used a provocative title, and provocative images of the current approach to creating contracts, to highlight misdemeanours that everybody recognises, but nevertheless continue.
- Sarah’s experience comes from working with a legal team faced tackling increasing workloads with the same resources.
- They anticipated that automation would provide the answer.
- Automation might produce quicker results, but it won’t improve the output if teams persist in pushing poor quality content through a legal process.
- You don’t solve the problem of dysfunction contracts merely by automating them.
- Legito recommends automation should begin with use of a ‘gold standard template’.
- Unfortunately, such templates are uncommon in a world where legal teams have tended to evolve standard contracts with no more sophistication that cut & paste drafting techniques.
- Lawyers don’t necessarily have the time to work in any other way.
- The resulting documents might be legally sound, but they are ill-suited to the needs of the people who consume them.
- Sarah is surprised that organisations would diminish their brand values and customer goodwill by producing contract documents that almost nobody likes.
- Automation is, however, a good time to justify the effort of scrutinising contracts before automating them.
- Better contracts get signed more quickly, which helps the automation objectives.
- Sarah says its time to apply design thinking to the content of contracts.
- Consider using diagrams and pictures, or simply making better use of the tools in Word to layout provisions in a more human-friendly way.
- Software companies talk about ‘user experience’ – we should apply the same thinking to contract design.
- Sarah presented examples of fresh design thinking applied to contracts.
- The resulting contracts are no less legally effective – they just require some creative input which has been absent from the skillset of many lawyers.
- The results from applying design thinking provide a good return on investment.

Tomas Fiala
Since 2018, we've been working with Legito technology in our Centre of Excellence, which provides document lifecycle management and document automation services across the PwC global network. Establishing a partnership with Legito is proof of the success we made with Legito internally.Explore More Success Stories

Sony Varughese
Chief Technology Officer
Weekly meetings with Legito's Professional Services Team made the implementation and change management process collaborative and efficient - overall, an outstanding vendor partnership!

Tawnya Gilreath
M&A Advisor, Director of Forms
Legito gives us the ability to take away things that create issues. It saves so much time, it is really awesome.Explore More Success Stories

Galya Oster
Emerging Market Trade Finance Specialists

Paul V. Saunders
Chief Innovation Officer and Partner

Nel Pelle
Sales Manager
Using Legito, we reduced our checking tasks from 20-50 minutes down to 5 minutes per single contract.Explore More Success Stories

Jeremy Aber
Software Attorney