Automated Extraction Of Data From Smart DocumentsLearn how to automatically summarize your documents or extract important deadlines from documents. 15 min | 5 TasksTask 2: Tag Key DatesNow, let’s tag the key dates in the Loan Agreement template.First, tag the date for Loan Drawdown using the Tag DeliveryDate.Second, tag key dates in Article 3 (Repayment) with Tag DueDate.Third, tag the signing date with Tag SigningDate.ResourcesData Extraction TagsTemplate Tags OverviewLegito KnowledgeBaseLegito AcademyAll TasksTask 1: Tag Contractual PartiesTask 2: Tag Key DatesTask 3: Extract Document (Contract) ValueTask 4: Extract Document SummaryTask 5: TestAll CoursesDocument Drafting Automation BasicsWorkflow & ApprovalsDocument FormattingBundled DocumentsTranslations & Dual Language DocumentsInstructions & HelpAutomated Data ExtractionAdvanced Document AutomationBuild Address Book for TemplatesBuild Project Management ApplicationBuild Vendor Management ApplicationBack to Task 1Continue to Task 3