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Condition To Currency-in-money

Last review: March 2024

The Currency-In-Money Condition gives the template designer the ability to add conditional text based on the currency selected by the end user in Document Editor.

The Currency-In-Money Element settings are as follows:

  • “is set to”, meaning that the condition will activate if a certain Currency-In-Money Element option is chosen; and
  • “isn’t set to”, meaning that the condition will activate if a certain Currency-In-Money Element option is not chosen.


  • is empty
  • is not empty
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • starts with
  • does not start with
  • ends with
  • does not end with

Generic (beta version)

  • is present
  • is not present

The above listed settings are found in the second to last dropdown selection in the Conditions Phrase, and once selected, the template designer will be prompted to choose a Currency-In-Money Element option.

Below is an example of how to build a Condition for a Currency-In-Money Element that will add content:

  1. Assign a System Name to the to the Money Element
  2. Click on the Element or Clause to be related to the Currency-In-Money
  3. Click the Conditions Tab in the top menu
  4. Click the “Add Conditions” Button
  5. Choose “Currency-In-Money” from the first dropdown (Type)
  6. Choose the name of the Template from the second dropdown
  7. Choose the “Currency-In-Money” System Name from the third dropdown
  8. Choose “is set to”, or “isn’t set to” from the fourth dropdown
  9. Choose the Currency the appropriate currency