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Form Template

Last review: March 2024

The Quick Actions bar allows our users to quickly and easily build simple Form Templates in the Template Editor. Quick Actions bar has pre-built blocks for frequently used questionnaire inputs that can be added to a Form Template in one click.

To add a pre-build block, click the Plus icon at the end of your Form, or at the end of each Article of your Form, and select one of the following block types:

  • Text Input
  • Date
  • Money
  • Single Choice
  • Multiple Choice
  • Toggle


Additionally, you can add a block (Article or Paragraph) with a Title only. These blocks do not contain any active fields.

The Plus icon at the end of your Form will add an Article, and the Plus icon at the end of each Article will add a Paragraph to that Article.

Blocks added using the Quick Actions bar are pre-formatted so it is aligned with current web design best practices. However, the design can be changed in the Design panel in the same way as other Clauses and Elements.

Building your Forms using the Quick Actions bar can be combined with the standard way of using Clauses and Elements in the left menu or context menu to create advanced Forms using all the available Clauses and Elements.october-new-release-feature-legito-screenshot