Case Study Automation Of Legal Ops in Fast Growing Global Company

ScaleFocus is a technology, R&D, and advanced engineering company operating in the USA and Europe.
First Phase Key Improvements
Drafting Time Saved
Mistakes per Document
Speed-up Contracting Process
Document-Automated Departments
ScaleFocus is a technology, R&D, and advanced engineering company operating in the USA and Europe.
A Global Professional IT ServicesProvider, ScaleFocus delivers custom software solutions including integrations with leading product software including IBM, AWS, Oracle, Microsoft, TIBCO, and Appian. using proven consultancy and implementation methodologies. ScaleFocus teams design and guide their customers’ digital transformation strategies.

Legal Team

- One of the most intensively driven departments in the company is Legal.
- The legal department handles most, if not all, cases of contract development and final negotiations with clients.
- In addition to contract drafting, Legal also deals with external contracts sent to the company by clients, vendors and other interested parties.
- With the fast expansion of the company into new territories, the overall document turnover is ever-increasing, and more new avenues are pursued, thus generating demand for new types of contractual documents.
Legal tech helps us have all papers in one place without killing the excitement of the work we are going to do after we sign the entire set of documents.
- Due to the wide array of services provided by the company, although every contract has standard clauses, specific business aspects require nuanced approaches.
- A flexible cloud solution was needed to automate contract drafting, while also providing a platform for retaining institutional knowledge picked up from negotiations that would be easily assessible.
- The widely accepted practice of drafting documents on familiar word processing software such as MS Word, combined with continuous email exchanges with clients increased time to closeout, costing the company revenue and delaying the pursuit of further opportunities.
Pilot Project and Evaluation
- At first glance, the solution seemed easy to understand and address.
- One of the major factors that encouraged ScaleFocus to choose Legito was the full access 30-day trial that gave ScaleFocus the opportunity to learn how to work in Legito’s Workspace. From the start, the company knew that Legito could solve many of their current issues.
- Comparing Legito with other products claiming similar functionality, SalesFocus found that Legito’s competitors’ solutions would either make their existing process more cumbersome, or did not address many of the company’s needs.
- Legito’s Learning Center helped ScaleFocus a great deal with mastering automation basics. Legito support then took ScaleFocus’ acquired knowledge to the next level by demonstrating Legito’s advanced functions.
- In less than two weeks, ScaleFocus had a comprehensive understanding of Legito.
- ScaleFocus’ standard Framework Agreements are between 15 and 30 pages. The company also has Non-Disclosure Agreements and Statements of Work (SOWs) that are 3 to 6 pages in length.
- It took approximately 2 to 3 hours to automate an SOW, and about a day to automate an entire Framework Agreement.
- ScaleFocus uses Legito to manage its entire inventory of contracts (over 50 different types).
- ScaleFocus is looking for opportunities to implement Legito in other departments.
- ScaleFocus found Legito useful to the point that it has become a distribution partner. Legito Document Automation is now one of ScaleFocus’ value adding services.
- Thoughout the entire process, Legito and ScaleFocus worked closely together, with Legito Legal Engineers constantly available to help with any questions.
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Deliver Results Faster
Eliminate Human Error
Make Data-Driven Decisions