At the turn of the year, we take stock and focus on the future. At Legito, we believe that the five key trends of 2024 will have a major impact in 2025. Do you agree? Let’s take a look at them together!
Automation in Government Agencies – Better, Cheaper, Faster
“Better, cheaper, faster…pick any two” used to be the mantra for innovations. The implication is that you cannot have it all. Let’s look at the compelling reasons for government agencies to adopt automation.
Professional Associations – Finding Benefits of Value to All Members
If it was possible to fully automate all the processes and documents pertinent to professional organizations, it would mean the human workers could press a few buttons and get on with their day job. But would it last?
How Far Should We Go to Facilitate Non-standard Deals?
How far should we go to facilitate non-standard deals? The variance arose because things have changed over time, and because we try to be agile in how we do business. That’s a good thing, isn’t it?
Preparing for AI in Document-centric Processes
You would have to be hiding in a deep, dark place to have missed the rife speculation about the impact of AI. Many AI applications rely on mining existing volumes of data for machine learning and insight.
Legito PowerUp 2023
Last year was my first time at the Legito conference, and I’d like to share my experiences and encourage you to join us this year. If you have not seen it, we’ve posted a reminder for the Legito PowerUp 2023 conference.
Legito for Sourcing and Procurement
Today, we’ll look at the application of the Legito platform for folks working in sourcing and procurement. The challenge they face, among many, is buying-in goods and services from suppliers.
Are You Solving a Problem or a Situation?
Where does software fit into that process? If you can’t use a fully robotic process, software is only useful if it augments the work done by humans.
Consultants – Who Needs Them?
Legito select consultants are for two qualities: they know the product and have experience of making it work for real projects.
A Quick Guide to Digital Signatures
Digital signatures have the look and feel of a traditional process. Legito allows you to use any combination of signature methods to meet the needs of your organisation and your customers and suppliers
Thinking Ahead to a Quiet January
January is the ideal opportunity to run a small experiment or pilot project to try something new. Think about signing up for a free trial to begin in January.
Citizen Developer Explained
Citizen developers are also users. They want the solution to be the best it can be. Colleagues can walk across the office or have a Teams call to talk to a citizen developer in terms they both understand.
The Next Level Beyond Office Applications
We see Legito like that. Our vision is about empowering the whole enterprise with features that work across team boundaries, with the same look-and-feel, integrated, and yet ready to be customised for the needs of each team.
When Documents Meet Reality
I am surely not alone in experiencing a situation where an organisation says one thing and does another. Why does that happen? I suspect process failures cause many mistakes.
5 Reasons Why Home-Grown Solutions Don’t Last
Some organisations come to Legito from a competitor solution, and some have no existing solution, but today I’m talking about organisations who have built a home-grown solution that isn’t meeting their needs.
Customer Wish-lists
It’s remarkable how diverse organisations have similar requests. That’s a good thing. It makes it viable to build solutions that work across multiple sectors and teams.
Friendly Automation
If you automate processes that interact with customers or your suppliers or your employees, how will it make them feel? Do you care? There are some processes that benefit everybody if done well.
3 More Reasons You Might Need Document Automation/CLM software
What are the signs that your organization should be looking for a Document Automation solution, or replacing the one that you have? Read more
No code / Low code – What’s the Fuss About?
Some automation software still requires you to use code (or a code-like script) to build a solution that can be deployed in an organisation. The scripts can look a lot like programming language, which can be a problem.
5 Word Tips
Contracts tend to have defined terms, and the definitions are often grouped in one place. When reading a contract, it’s helpful to read the defined term.
Suggestions for Evaluating Legito Implementers
We asked our consulting team how they find new colleagues to be part of our implementation team. The suggestions look like tests – but don’t present them as such. Run a workshop.
Implementing Legito – Who to Pick / Who to Avoid
You need the right person to make your implementation successful. Here are some traits that make a good project representative. Someone happy to pick up a new solution and play with it, knowing they won’t break it, and
Is It the Right Time to Invest in Automation?
It used to be said: “Better, cheaper, faster – pick any two.” Now we can improve all three vectors at the same time. Historically, organisations needed capital expenditure to fund investment in plant and machinery to boost productivity.
5 Things I Learned from Document Automation Events
Chances are there aren’t many people in your organisation with a focus on automation of document-centric business processes. It can seem like a lonely quest.
Self-service for Shared Service Centres
I worry that ‘self-service’ sounds like something negative – probably because we have suffered from self-service checkouts in retail outlets where it feels like a way for the retailer to save money and have us do a task that is better done by the retail staff.
Sharing Document Automation Know-how with Industry Peers
The extra pressure of deploying new technology to new colleagues was non-trivial. I taught myself how to use the application while doing the day job.
Two Strategies Driving Automation
Naturally, we think there are lots of reasons to adopt a document lifecycle management solution, even if you only use a few of the core features. Still, it takes more than nice-to-have benefits for an organisation to start a document automation project.
Contracts and Leverage
Organisations need leverage to grow, and so do people. Like it or not, some organisations use contracts to exert leverage. If you’re a smaller organisation trading with a Fortune 100 company, you probably don’t like it.
Contracts and Contract Management: What Does Good Look Like?
Legito isn’t just for contracts or legal teams, but today we look at best practices in contracts and contract management. Everybody is looking for ways to get contracts signed faster, but many organisations make it so darn hard.
Drafting a Word Document vs. Drafting a Legito Template
Let’s look at the difference between drafting a conventional Word document and drafting a document automation template using Legito (for others to automate documents).
6 Tips and Opportunities for New Lawyers
Qualifying as a lawyer is a tough gig. University and law school courses create a legacy of student debt, and good organizations have stiff competition for employment.
Charging Clients for Automated Solutions
In 2008, I started a law firm in the UK with the principal objective of leveraging my experience of document automation for clients in B2B software and IT services organisations.
Alternative Fee Arrangements – Making Them Work Outside Litigation
This is for the lawyers, those in law firms, and those working in corporate legal teams. I don’t need to provide an introduction
Contract Drafting Isn’t Taught at Law School
Contract drafting is not taught on most law degrees or at law school. Most lawyers learn during a period of apprenticeship
7 Reasons Why You Need a Clause Library, but Word Doesn’t Help You
Contracts (and some other documents) typically include standard text like confidentiality clauses, limitations of liability,
7 Signs You’ve Got a Problem – Add Some Style to Your Work
Years ago, organisations started to move from WordPerfect to Microsoft Word. Law firms were reluctant to change, but
Sales Playbooks Using Legito
A sales ‘playbook’ sets the rules for sales execs. Sales teams need flexibility to negotiate deals, but the playbook avoids
Process Management
We usually say Legito is for document automation or contract lifecycle management (CLM), but you can do more.
Hearts and Minds – Getting Colleagues to Use Document Automation
My first document automation deployment was for a sales team of 70 people who would use the system to generate…
AI or automation?
Artificial intelligence creates more buzz and more speculation than plain old automation. Vendors claim AI…
Legito CLM – What is it?
Creating the first version of a document is just the beginning. It might need to be approved, discussed, and signed…
Using Templates for Quick-start Drafting
Some documents are not apt to be automated. Sometimes, you need to draft something from scratch…
Do Authors Need Developers to Build Templates?
Who best to automate a document authored by a subject matter expert? This note looks at automating contracts…
Checking Long Documents for Errors
Picture the scene: you manage a legal team and task a team member to create the first draft contract for…
4 Reasons You Might Need Document Automation/CLM software
At Legito, we often talk about the benefits of Document Automation and Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM),…
Document Automation for the SME
In many of our recent articles, we’ve discussed automation in the enterprise environment in great detail…
Starting your Automation Project with a Bang
As you may have read in one of our Industry Insights articles, it doesn’t matter if you are from the US,…
Compliance Teams and Document Automation – an Ideal Partnership
Compliance – the process of making sure an organization is compliant with relevant laws and regulations…
Successful Automation in Four Steps
Automating your document doesn’t need to be a daunting project, or take excessive amounts of time…
4 Hidden Benefits of Document Automation/CLM Implementation
Fans of Legito’s “Weekly Automation Corner” as well as those who have spent the time to seriously investigate
Automated Document Management: A Solution for All Departments
An automated document management solution that increasing transparency and accessibility is guaranteed to increase efficiency and growth.
Capturing the Best of Your Organization
One way to increase efficiency in reporting, is to build data gathering methods into normal day-to-day business processes.
Lean Methodology and Document Automation
Lean thinking takes a wholistic view, trying to reduce costs, and wasted time in any of the small steps in a process, and through these combined efforts, increase the overall value of your output.
Why Industries Need Contract Lifecycle Management
Advances in document automation have made strong CLM skills more than just an added benefit, but a prerequisite of doing business.
Document Automation: A new power tool for the Construction and Engineering Industries
Success in any project therefore, requires organization. Automated Document Management Software is the best way to get started.
Document Automation and Retail Businesses
Automated document management tools do not only save paper. A strong document management solution will increase transparency and boost productivity.
Insurance and Document Automation Part II: Staying Organized
Key dates such as policy renewal dates can be pulled and used to create automatic Document Alerts, ensuring that agents do not to miss opportunities to engage with customers.
Insurance and Document Automation Part I: Getting Organized
With the number of documents, and the complexity of the industry, Automated Document Assembly and Management is the only way to offer customers the best service and stay ahead of the pack.
Permissions and Sharing: Necessities for Document Lifecycle Management
Workflows and Approvals are great tools for ensuring that documents are quickly sent to the correct people for efficient lifecycle management.
Closing The Loop: Electronic Signature in Contract Lifecycle Management
Electronic signature solutions that do more than apply an image to a document add additional layers of security. Authentication certificates unique to the signatories reduce the risk of forgery.